• The present electronic contract concerns the sale by the company Marcom Srl ("the supplier"), of the products for industrial automation ("the products"), purchased by the individual customer ("the customer") among those offered on the website shop.marcomweb.it ("the site").
  • The Customer acknowledges that in order to purchase the Products sold on the Supplier's Website, it is necessary to accept this Contractual Regulation in advance.


  • The Supplier is the owner of the website shop.marcomweb.it or www.marcomweb.it through which he carries out e-commerce activities.
  • Customer complaints can be sent to the e-mail address of the supplier This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • The Supplier publishes on the Site the offer of the Products, to be understood as an offer to the public pursuant to art. 1336 c.c., complete with information on price, technical characteristics, shipping costs, payment and delivery methods and warranty.
  • The Customer may proceed with the purchase of the Products offered by the Supplier through the Website and under the conditions provided therein.
  • The contract is concluded when the customer's acceptance, provided only after the latter has previously read the information regarding the processing of personal data and provided the data, read, approved and printed the present general conditions of contract, provided the shipping address and chosen the desired payment option among those available, is recorded by the server where the web pages of the site shop.marcomweb.it are stored.
  • The Supplier will inform the Customer of the receipt of the order, confirming the conclusion of the sales contract, by e-mail, sent to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer at the time of registration, containing the Date and the total amount of your order and the details of the order.
  • Before confirming the purchase and sending the order, the customer will be summarized the unit cost of each product chosen, the total cost in case of purchase of more products and the related costs of transport and delivery. / li>


  • The prices of the Products offered for sale on the Supplier's Site must be understood as inclusive of I.V.A. and any other tax or fee.


  • The costs of shipping and delivery of the products purchased on the site to the extent indicated in the purchase procedure are charged to the customer. No weight or size limit.
  • Deliveries will be made by express courier. During the delivery phase, in case of non-delivery due to the absence of the recipient, the courier will leave a non-delivery notice with telephone number, with an invitation to the Customer to call within 24 hours from the date of non-delivery indicated. Once this deadline has expired, the Courier has the right to ask the Customer for the storage costs supported.
  • The products purchased will be delivered to the address indicated by the Customer during the purchase phase within 5/6 working days from the time of receipt of the order and, in any case, no later than thirty working days from the day following that confirmation of the order. In any case, the different agreement, also via e-mail, intervened between Customer and Supplier with which they agree to procrastinate the aforementioned term of thirty days.
  • The Supplier's delivery obligation is understood to be fulfilled when the Products are delivered by the Supplier to the courier. From that moment on, the risk of loss, damage or delay will be exclusively attributable to the latter and, in any case, it will be up to the Customer to promote any actions against carriers, insurers and third parties in general.


  • The technical characteristics of the Products are shown on the sheets, as supplied by the manufacturers / distributors; the Supplier is therefore not responsible for any discrepancies between the actual data and those declared by the houses.
  • The Products sold by the Supplier are subject to the provisions of Legislative Decree 24/2002 on the sale and warranty of consumer goods and, as far as it is not expressly provided for, to the provisions of the Italian Civil Code. civ. and other applicable national rules. The Customer is the owner of the rights provided for by the art. 1519 bis and ss. commercial code ..
  • The warranty applies to Products that show conformity defects and / or malfunctions not found at the time of purchase, provided that the Products are used correctly and with due diligence, in compliance with the various operating regulations indicated therein. The warranty does not apply in case of negligence, negligence on the part of the Customer in the use of the Products.
  • The malfunctioning of the Products must be reported in writing by the Customer within the legal period with a brief description of the defect found and the equipment used for the use of the Products, with indication of the brand and model of the same. The Customer undertakes to verify the correct functioning of the Products.
  • The Supplier is not responsible for any disservices due to force majeure and / or accidents such as accidents, thefts and / or robberies in charge of delivery, fires, explosions, strikes and / or lockouts, earthquakes, floods and other similar events that prevent, in whole or in part, to execute in the times and in the manner agreed upon with this contract. Therefore, the compensation for any damages, losses and costs, of any nature, that may derive from the Customer or his assignees due to the causes mentioned above can not under any circumstances be requested from the Supplier. By using these hypotheses, the customer will be entitled exclusively to the return of the price paid.
  • Furthermore, the Supplier is not responsible for any fraudulent or illegal use that may be made by the Customer or third parties of the credit cards upon payment of the purchased products.


  • The Customer is obliged to print and keep these general conditions of contract, the information regarding the processing of personal data as well as the order form prior to acceptance expressed by typing the "confirm and send order" icon , so as to satisfy the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree. 185/1999. It is absolutely forbidden for the Customer to provide false or fictitious data or in any case referring to non-existent persons in filling out the order form, or in the credit card payment procedure.
  • The Customer is required to verify the integrity of the package delivered by the courier, containing the Products purchased on the Supplier's Website. In particular, the package must not have been tampered with. Any complaints, of any kind, relating to the lack and / or non-conformity of some of the Products ordered in the package delivered, must be promoted by the Customer at the time of delivery of the package directly to the courier. The Supplier does not accept subsequent disputes.
  • The Customer is liable for damages which due to the non-fulfillment of the obligations referred to in the paragraphs above of this article should occur to the Supplier.
  • The Customer declares, assuming the full and unconditional responsibility of his statements for civil purposes as well as for criminal purposes, that the data provided by completing this form of delivery are exclusively referable to him, or referable to third parties , from which he has previously acquired consent to the communication of such data for the purposes set out in the above information, in the manner and in the forms provided for by Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (privacy code)
  • The Customer undertakes therefore to relieve Marcom S.r.l. in relation to any damage, expense or cost that may result from the latter due to the unlawful communication of data of terse people by the Customer mediated the completion of the shipping form.


  • The Customer has the right to withdraw from this contract, without any penalty and without having to specify the reason, within ten working days from the date of receipt of the Product by the Customer. The right of withdrawal is only allowed to the customer who appears to be "consumer" pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree no. 185/1999. The Customer shall exercise the right referred to in paragraph 1 above by means of a RECOMMENDED A.R letter to the address: Marcom S.r.l - via della Metallurgia 11, 37139 Verona.
  • The Customer who has exercised the right of withdrawal in the manner and within the terms set out in Articles. previous is required to return the goods delivered to him within the period of 15 days from the exercise of the right of withdrawal, with shipping costs at his own expense.
  • When the Customer exercises the right of withdrawal, the Supplier is obliged to return what he has received in payment for the Products and for the shipping costs within fourteen working days following the shipment of the Products by the Customer.


  • If the Customer fails to comply with the obligation to pay the price, this contract will be resolved by right, pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, from the date on which the e-mail is sent by which the Supplier declares use this termination clause.


Shipping costs depend on the destination country. Below list of shipping costs:

  • ITALY: 12 €
  • EUROPE 1: 22 €
  • EUROPE 2: 31 €

* EUROPE 1: Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Romania, Slovenia, Spain.

* EUROPE 2: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.